.- Allocati,N, AG Petrucci, P Di Giovanni, M Masulli, C Di Ilio, V De Laurenzi. Bat–man disease transmission: zoonotic pathogens from wildlife reservoirs to human populations. Cell Death Discovery (2016) 2, 16048; doi:10.1038/cddiscovery.2016.48.
. - Biebricher, CK; Eigen, M. What is a quasispecies?. Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. 299:1-31, 2006.
.- Beker, K.; Heilmann, C.; Peters, G. Coagulase-negative Spaphilococci. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 27: 870-926, 2014.
.- Burkard, C.; Lillico, SG; Reid, E.; Jackson, B.; Millehan, AJ.; Ait-Ali,T.; Whitelaw, CB.; Archibald, AL. Precision enginnering for PRRSV resistance in pigs: Macrophages from genome edited pigs lacking CD163 SRCR5 domain are fully resistant to both PRRSV genotypes while maintaining biological function. PLOS Pathog: 13: 1-28, 2017.
..- Cappuccio, JA.; Pena,L.:Dibárbora, M.; Rimondi, A.; Pineyro, P.; Insarralde,L.; Quiroga,MA.; Machuca, M.; Craig, MI.; Olivera, M.; Chockalingam, A.; Perfumo,CJ.; Perez, DR.; Pereda, A. Outbreak of swine influenza in Argentina reveals a noncontemporary human H3N2 virus highly transmissible among pigs. J.Gen.Virol. 08/2011; doi:10.1099/vir.0.036590-0 55
.- Cortey, M.; Pileri, E.; Segalés, J.; Kekarainen, T. Globalización, global trade and potencial emerging pathogens: The example of torque teno virus 1 and 2. Proceedings 6th International Symposium on Emerging and Re-emerging Pigs Disease, Barcelona 12-15
June 2011.p 51.
..- Dietze K, Beltrán-Alcrudo, D.; Pinto,J.; Khomenko, S.; Slingenbergh,J.; Lubroth,J. Factors affecting emergence of diseases in swine. Proceedings 22nd IPVS Congress Korea pp11-15, 2012.
.- Drexler, JF, Victor Max Corman,Tom Wegner, Adriana Fumie Tateno, Rodrigo Melim Zerbinati, Florian Gloza-Rausch, Antje Seebens, Marcel A. Müller, Christian Drosten. Amplification of emerging viruses in a bat colony. Emerg Infect Dis. 17: 449-456, 2011.
.- Drew, T.W. The emergence and evolution of swine viral diseases: to what extent have husbandry systems and global trade contributed to their distribution and diversity?. Res.Sci.Tech.Int.Epiz. 30:95-106, 2011.
.- Engering, A.; Hogerwerf, L.; Slingenbergh, J. Pathogen-host-environment interplay and disease emergence. Emerg. Microbes Infec. Doi10.1038/emi.2013.5
.- Ferguson, L; Luo,K; Olivier, AK; Cunningham, FL; Blackmon, S; Hanson-Dorr, K; Sun, H; Baroch,J; Lutman, MW; Quade, B; Epperson, W; Webby, R; DeLiberto,TJ; Wan, XF. Influenza D Virus Infection in Feral Swine Populations, United States. Emerg. Infect Dis. 24; 1020-1027, 2018.
.- Griffith RW, Schwartz, KJ. Meyerholdz DK. In: Diseases of Swine. Straw BE, Zimmerman JJ, D´Allaire S, Taylor D, editors. Sthaphylococcus. 9 ed. Blackwell Publishing 2006. pp: 739-754.
.- Howard, CR; Fletcher, N. Emerging virus diseases: can we ever expect the unexpected? Emerg Microbes Infec. 46: 1-2, 2012 1, e46; doi:10.1038/emi.2012.47
.- Hu, Hui; Kwonil Jung; Anastasia N. Vlasova; Linda J. Saif. Experimental infection of gnotobiotic pigs with the cell-culture-adapted porcine delta coronavirus strain OH-FD22. Arch Virol. DOI 10.1007/s00705-016-3056-8. 2016
.- Han, Hui-Ju, Hong-ling Wen, Chuan-Min Zhou, Fang-Fang Chen, Li-Mei Luo, Jian-wei Liu, Xue-Jie Yu. Bats as reservoirs of severe emerging infectious diseases. Virus Res 205: 1–6, 2015. 56
.- Harding, JC. Emerging diseases and the greater good. Proceedings 22nd IPVS Congress Korea pp 32-34, 2012.
.- Khanna Methiclin resistant Staphiloccocus aureus colonization in pigs and pig farmers, Vet Microbiol 128: 298-303, 2008
.- Lancaster, K.Z.; Pfieffer, J. Viral population dynamics and virulence thresholds. Curr. Opinion in Microbiol.15:525-530, 2012.
.- Li, W; Ruben J. G. Hulswita; Scott P. Kenneyb; Ivy Widjajaa; Kwonil Jungb; Moyasar A. Alhamob; Brenda van Dierena; Frank J. M. van Kuppevelda; Linda J. Saif; Berend-Jan Boscha. Broad receptor engagement of an emerging global coronavirus may potentiate its diverse cross-species transmissibility. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1802879115. 2018
.- Lauring, AS, Andino, R. Quasispecies theory and the behavior of RNA virus. PLoS Pathog 6 : e10011005.doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.
.- Nemeghaire, S.; Argudin, A.A.; Feßler, A.T; Hauschild, T.; Schawartz, S.; Butaye, P. The ecological importance of Staphylococcus sciuri species group as a reservoir for resistance and virulence genes. Vet. Microbiol. 171: 342-356, 2014.
.- Nielsen, O.L., Iburg, T.; Aalbaek, B.; Leifsson, P.S; Agerholm, J.S; Heegaard, P.; Boye, M.; Simon, S.; Jensen, K.B.; Christensen,S.; Melsen,K.; Bak, A.K.; Backman, E.R.; Jorgensen, M.H.; Groegler, D.K; Jensen, A.L., Kjelgaard-Hansen, M.; Jensen, H.E. A pig model of acute Staphilococcus aureus induced pyemia. Acta Vet. Scand. 51: 14-21, 2009.
.- Pereda A.; Rimondi, A.; Cappuccio,J.; Sanguinetti, R.; Angel,M; Ye, J.; Sutton,T.; Dibárbora, M.; Olivera,V.; Craig, MI.; Quiroga,M.; Machuca, M.; Ferrero,A.; Perfumo; C.; Perez, DR. Evidence of reassortment of pandemic H1N1 influenza virus in swine in Argentina: Are we facing the expansion of potential epicenters of influenza emergence? Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. 2011 DOI: 10.1111/j.1750-2659.2011.00246
.- Piñeyro, OE.; Baumeister, JA.; Cappuccio, JA; Machuca, M.; Quiroga, MA; Teodoroff, T.; Perfumo, CJ. Prevalencia serológica del virus de influenza A en cerdos en Argentina durante la temporada 2002: Evaluación mediante inhibición de la hemoaglutinación y ELISA. Rev. Arg. Microbiol. 42:98-101, 2010. 57
.- Rich. M. Sthaphylococci in animals: prevalence, identification and antimicrobial susceptibility, with an emphasis on methicillin-resistant Staphilococcus aureus Brit. J. Biomed. Sci. 62: 98-105, 2005
.- Su, Shuo, Xinliang Fu, Gairu Li, Fiona Kerlin, Michael Veit.. Novel Influenza D virus: Epidemiology, pathology, evolution and biological characteristics. Virulence, DOI 10.1080 / 21505594.2017.1365216, 2017.
.- Tulinski, P.; Fluit, Ad.C; Wagenaar, J.A.; Mevius, D.; van de Vijver, L.; Duim, B. Methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphilococci form pigs farms as reservoir of hetereogeneous staphilococcal cassette chromosome mec elements. Appl.Envirom.Microbiol. 78: 299-304, 2012.
.- Vignuzzi, M.; Stone, J.K.; Arnold, J.J.; Cameron, C.E.; Andino, R. Quasispecies diversity determine pathogenesis through cooperative interactions in a viral population. Nature 439: 344-348, 2006
.- Vigo G, Giacoboni G, Cappuccio J, Pantozzi F, Ibar M, Perfumo C Búsqueda y aislamiento de Staphylococcus meticilino-resistentes en diferentes especies animales de la República Argentina. REIE 7: 38-38, 2012
.- Vigo, G.; Manfredi,E.;r Cappuccio,J.; Moredo, F.; Rivas, M.; Perfumo,C.J.; Giacoboni, G. Staphylococcus aureus clinical infection and colonization status: bacteriological, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and antimicrobial resistance profile in a pig farm. Proceedings 22th International Pigs Veterinary Society Congress. Jeju, Korea 10-13 June 2012. p.795 BP-438.
.- Voss, A., Loeffen, F.; Bakker, J.; Klaassen, C.; Wulf, M.. Methicillin-resistant Staphilococcus aureus in pigs farming. Emerg. Infect. Dis 11: 1965-1966, 2005.
.- Zhou1Peng, Hang Fan, Tian Lan y col.. Fatal swine acute diarrhea syndrome caused by an HKU2-related coronavirus of bat origin. Nature 556: 255–258, 2018.
.- Allocati,N, AG Petrucci, P Di Giovanni, M Masulli, C Di Ilio, V De Laurenzi. Bat–man disease transmission: zoonotic pathogens from wildlife reservoirs to human populations. Cell Death Discovery (2016) 2, 16048; doi:10.1038/cddiscovery.2016.48.
. - Biebricher, CK; Eigen, M. What is a quasispecies?. Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. 299:1-31, 2006.
.- Beker, K.; Heilmann, C.; Peters, G. Coagulase-negative Spaphilococci. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 27: 870-926, 2014.
.- Burkard, C.; Lillico, SG; Reid, E.; Jackson, B.; Millehan, AJ.; Ait-Ali,T.; Whitelaw, CB.; Archibald, AL. Precision enginnering for PRRSV resistance in pigs: Macrophages from genome edited pigs lacking CD163 SRCR5 domain are fully resistant to both PRRSV genotypes while maintaining biological function. PLOS Pathog: 13: 1-28, 2017.
..- Cappuccio, JA.; Pena,L.:Dibárbora, M.; Rimondi, A.; Pineyro, P.; Insarralde,L.; Quiroga,MA.; Machuca, M.; Craig, MI.; Olivera, M.; Chockalingam, A.; Perfumo,CJ.; Perez, DR.; Pereda, A. Outbreak of swine influenza in Argentina reveals a noncontemporary human H3N2 virus highly transmissible among pigs. J.Gen.Virol. 08/2011; doi:10.1099/vir.0.036590-0 55
.- Cortey, M.; Pileri, E.; Segalés, J.; Kekarainen, T. Globalización, global trade and potencial emerging pathogens: The example of torque teno virus 1 and 2. Proceedings 6th International Symposium on Emerging and Re-emerging Pigs Disease, Barcelona 12-15
June 2011.p 51.
..- Dietze K, Beltrán-Alcrudo, D.; Pinto,J.; Khomenko, S.; Slingenbergh,J.; Lubroth,J. Factors affecting emergence of diseases in swine. Proceedings 22nd IPVS Congress Korea pp11-15, 2012.
.- Drexler, JF, Victor Max Corman,Tom Wegner, Adriana Fumie Tateno, Rodrigo Melim Zerbinati, Florian Gloza-Rausch, Antje Seebens, Marcel A. Müller, Christian Drosten. Amplification of emerging viruses in a bat colony. Emerg Infect Dis. 17: 449-456, 2011.
.- Drew, T.W. The emergence and evolution of swine viral diseases: to what extent have husbandry systems and global trade contributed to their distribution and diversity?. Res.Sci.Tech.Int.Epiz. 30:95-106, 2011.
.- Engering, A.; Hogerwerf, L.; Slingenbergh, J. Pathogen-host-environment interplay and disease emergence. Emerg. Microbes Infec. Doi10.1038/emi.2013.5
.- Ferguson, L; Luo,K; Olivier, AK; Cunningham, FL; Blackmon, S; Hanson-Dorr, K; Sun, H; Baroch,J; Lutman, MW; Quade, B; Epperson, W; Webby, R; DeLiberto,TJ; Wan, XF. Influenza D Virus Infection in Feral Swine Populations, United States. Emerg. Infect Dis. 24; 1020-1027, 2018.
.- Griffith RW, Schwartz, KJ. Meyerholdz DK. In: Diseases of Swine. Straw BE, Zimmerman JJ, D´Allaire S, Taylor D, editors. Sthaphylococcus. 9 ed. Blackwell Publishing 2006. pp: 739-754.
.- Howard, CR; Fletcher, N. Emerging virus diseases: can we ever expect the unexpected? Emerg Microbes Infec. 46: 1-2, 2012 1, e46; doi:10.1038/emi.2012.47
.- Hu, Hui; Kwonil Jung; Anastasia N. Vlasova; Linda J. Saif. Experimental infection of gnotobiotic pigs with the cell-culture-adapted porcine delta coronavirus strain OH-FD22. Arch Virol. DOI 10.1007/s00705-016-3056-8. 2016
.- Han, Hui-Ju, Hong-ling Wen, Chuan-Min Zhou, Fang-Fang Chen, Li-Mei Luo, Jian-wei Liu, Xue-Jie Yu. Bats as reservoirs of severe emerging infectious diseases. Virus Res 205: 1–6, 2015. 56
.- Harding, JC. Emerging diseases and the greater good. Proceedings 22nd IPVS Congress Korea pp 32-34, 2012.
.- Khanna Methiclin resistant Staphiloccocus aureus colonization in pigs and pig farmers, Vet Microbiol 128: 298-303, 2008
.- Lancaster, K.Z.; Pfieffer, J. Viral population dynamics and virulence thresholds. Curr. Opinion in Microbiol.15:525-530, 2012.
.- Li, W; Ruben J. G. Hulswita; Scott P. Kenneyb; Ivy Widjajaa; Kwonil Jungb; Moyasar A. Alhamob; Brenda van Dierena; Frank J. M. van Kuppevelda; Linda J. Saif; Berend-Jan Boscha. Broad receptor engagement of an emerging global coronavirus may potentiate its diverse cross-species transmissibility. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1802879115. 2018
.- Lauring, AS, Andino, R. Quasispecies theory and the behavior of RNA virus. PLoS Pathog 6 : e10011005.doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.
.- Nemeghaire, S.; Argudin, A.A.; Feßler, A.T; Hauschild, T.; Schawartz, S.; Butaye, P. The ecological importance of Staphylococcus sciuri species group as a reservoir for resistance and virulence genes. Vet. Microbiol. 171: 342-356, 2014.
.- Nielsen, O.L., Iburg, T.; Aalbaek, B.; Leifsson, P.S; Agerholm, J.S; Heegaard, P.; Boye, M.; Simon, S.; Jensen, K.B.; Christensen,S.; Melsen,K.; Bak, A.K.; Backman, E.R.; Jorgensen, M.H.; Groegler, D.K; Jensen, A.L., Kjelgaard-Hansen, M.; Jensen, H.E. A pig model of acute Staphilococcus aureus induced pyemia. Acta Vet. Scand. 51: 14-21, 2009.
.- Pereda A.; Rimondi, A.; Cappuccio,J.; Sanguinetti, R.; Angel,M; Ye, J.; Sutton,T.; Dibárbora, M.; Olivera,V.; Craig, MI.; Quiroga,M.; Machuca, M.; Ferrero,A.; Perfumo; C.; Perez, DR. Evidence of reassortment of pandemic H1N1 influenza virus in swine in Argentina: Are we facing the expansion of potential epicenters of influenza emergence? Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. 2011 DOI: 10.1111/j.1750-2659.2011.00246
.- Piñeyro, OE.; Baumeister, JA.; Cappuccio, JA; Machuca, M.; Quiroga, MA; Teodoroff, T.; Perfumo, CJ. Prevalencia serológica del virus de influenza A en cerdos en Argentina durante la temporada 2002: Evaluación mediante inhibición de la hemoaglutinación y ELISA. Rev. Arg. Microbiol. 42:98-101, 2010. 57
.- Rich. M. Sthaphylococci in animals: prevalence, identification and antimicrobial susceptibility, with an emphasis on methicillin-resistant Staphilococcus aureus Brit. J. Biomed. Sci. 62: 98-105, 2005
.- Su, Shuo, Xinliang Fu, Gairu Li, Fiona Kerlin, Michael Veit.. Novel Influenza D virus: Epidemiology, pathology, evolution and biological characteristics. Virulence, DOI 10.1080 / 21505594.2017.1365216, 2017.
.- Tulinski, P.; Fluit, Ad.C; Wagenaar, J.A.; Mevius, D.; van de Vijver, L.; Duim, B. Methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphilococci form pigs farms as reservoir of hetereogeneous staphilococcal cassette chromosome mec elements. Appl.Envirom.Microbiol. 78: 299-304, 2012.
.- Vignuzzi, M.; Stone, J.K.; Arnold, J.J.; Cameron, C.E.; Andino, R. Quasispecies diversity determine pathogenesis through cooperative interactions in a viral population. Nature 439: 344-348, 2006
.- Vigo G, Giacoboni G, Cappuccio J, Pantozzi F, Ibar M, Perfumo C Búsqueda y aislamiento de Staphylococcus meticilino-resistentes en diferentes especies animales de la República Argentina. REIE 7: 38-38, 2012
.- Vigo, G.; Manfredi,E.;r Cappuccio,J.; Moredo, F.; Rivas, M.; Perfumo,C.J.; Giacoboni, G. Staphylococcus aureus clinical infection and colonization status: bacteriological, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and antimicrobial resistance profile in a pig farm. Proceedings 22th International Pigs Veterinary Society Congress. Jeju, Korea 10-13 June 2012. p.795 BP-438.
.- Voss, A., Loeffen, F.; Bakker, J.; Klaassen, C.; Wulf, M.. Methicillin-resistant Staphilococcus aureus in pigs farming. Emerg. Infect. Dis 11: 1965-1966, 2005.
.- Zhou1Peng, Hang Fan, Tian Lan y col.. Fatal swine acute diarrhea syndrome caused by an HKU2-related coronavirus of bat origin. Nature 556: 255–258, 2018.