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César David Molina Gómez
Ingeniero Agronomo
Asesoría para el manejo de sistemas de invernadero y cultivos de tejidos vegetales. Diseño del manejo integrados de cultivos (Fresa, pimiento, tomate, tomate de árbol, maíz amiláceo y oleáceo, papa, f
Ingeniero Agronomo
Título profesional:
Ingeniero Agronomo
Descripción de los servicios que presta como profesional:
Asesoría para el manejo de sistemas de invernadero y cultivos de tejidos vegetales.
Diseño del manejo integrados de cultivos (Fresa, pimiento, tomate, tomate de árbol, maíz amiláceo y oleáceo, papa, f
Experiencia profesional:
Greenhouse Technician
Mai 2019- March 2020
Hexo Corp, Gatineau-Quebec
• In vitro propagation, (clones’ extraction from mother plants at the field to the lab, in order to start the in vitro initiation process), following all the process and methods in order to avoid contamination.
• Clone transferring between jars inside of the Flux bell.
• In vitro to ex vitro habituation process.
• Lab's preparation before and after every working day (clean the Flux bell, autoclave lab material, growth media preparation, lab cleaning)
• Water, ventilate and drain plants.
• Prune and clean mother plants.
• Help to clone plants.
• Defoliate flowering plants while respecting the flowering cycle.
• Operate pot-filling machinery.
• Place plants in the designated places, on tables, or shelves, while respecting the flowering cycle.
• Respect good manufacturing practices and operating procedures.
• Clean production areas and equipment.
• Record production data accurately and precisely
• Help the Assistant Grower and/or the Master Grower where required.
• Help with any other related tasks.

Freelance Agricultural Advisor May 2017- November 2018
Agroterradei- Pichincha, Ecuador
• Develop my own customer portfolio and visit them.
• Provide agronomic services such as soil testing and recommendation of crop products to avoid a weed and pesticides resistant on their fields.
• Provide them crop nutrition and protection programs with the supplier Agroterradei.
• Establish demo fields to evaluate new products, new crop protection or new crop nutrition programs in order to collect data and use it in at the demo fields in a live demonstration with growers.

Agricultural and seeds advisor- sales agronomist April 2014-May 2017
Ecuaquimica, Pichincha, Ecuador
• Visit growers and identify their agricultural needs in order to selling all the Ecuaquimica’s products through technical advisory.
• Provide presence about Ecuaquimica line crop nutrition (Miller, Leili) and protection programs (Syngenta, Chemtura, MAI) at retail local level as well as at farm level.
• Establish demo fields to evaluate new products, new crop protection or new crop nutrition programs in order to collect data a
Area de cobertura:
200 Km
207 Bell St N, Ottawa, Ontario, Canadá
equalizer Estadísticas: Foros(9)
Ubicación:Ottawa, Ontario, Canadá
Perfil: Académico / Científico
Título profesional: Ingeniero Agronomo